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Showing posts from October, 2020

Yoga quotes

 When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.. . . #yoga #yogapeace #yogaessence #yogalove #yogaguru #yogahabit #yogapeace #peace #yogaeducation

What is pranayam?

 Pranayama is control of Breath". "Prana" is Breath or vital energy in the body. On subtle levels prana represents the pranic energy responsible for life or life force, and "ayama" means control. So Pranayama is "Control of Breath". One can control the rhythms of pranic energy with pranayama and achieve healthy body and mind.  Patanjali in his text of Yoga Sutras mentioned pranayama as means of attaining higher states of awareness, he mentions the holding of breath as important practice of reaching Samadhi.  . . #pranayama #shuddhi #breath #peace #silence #education #yoga #yoharoutine #yogalove #yogahabit #yogaenergy #energy #yogatoursindia

The sacral chakra

 -Sacral Chakra- The second chakra, called svadhistana, is located at the lower belly and inner pelvis. “Svadhisthana” means one’s own abode. Sacral Chakra resonates with our need for relationships and our need to control or create the dynamics of our physical world.  The Second Chakra shifts from obeying community and family authority, and allows us to discover satisfying relationships and interests of our own. . . #chakras #second_chakra #sacral_chakra #self #descipline #love #effective #positivity

Happy navratri

 Ma Shakti’s compassion is reserved for, and Her powers bestowed upon those who live according to Her principles and maryadas.  Her most invaluable treasure is PAVITRATA.    Purity is not a high-flown idea but a tangible and achievable state of consciousness where thoughts, words, actions, relationships (including dreams) are free from lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego (the five vices).   Whilst purity is the mother of peace and happiness, the foundation of purity is SOUL-CONSCIOUSNESS.  A human being is not a body that comprises a spirit, but rather a divine entity, atma or soul, which resides in, and operates the chariot-like physical body. ~Wishing you all , Shubh Navratri~ . . #shakti #adishakti #purity #navratri #divine #blessings

Yoga tours india

 The word Yoga literally indicates a union, assuming that there is an individual who merges with some higher self.  However,in essence there is no Union but coming to an understanding that there is no separation at all.  The essence of YOGA is to break free from the notion of individuality which give rise to the idea of separation. . . #essence #unity #yoga #blend #love #honesty #peace #light #yogalove #emotions

Happy Sunday

 Everyday , Set the simple goal of being more awake and less distracted.. . . #yoga #quotes #sayings #sunday #sunday_yoga #positivity #love #peace #awakening #yogatoursindia