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Showing posts from April, 2019

The Beauty and benefits of Pranayamas

Being happy , feeling positive staying motivated -these affirmations  are better said than done. This special yoga retreat program shall demonstrate effective ways by which the body and mind can be managed using, channelizing and utilizing the bio-energy ( prana )of the body . The focal point being the energy dynamics of the body – understanding and applying them using tools of pranayamas. Recommended for the ones who seek a permanent solution to – Depression,Anxiety, Loneliness,Stress management,  Mind management,  Pranic healing, wandering mind , day dreaming lack of will /motivation ,Detoxification Fatigue , lethargy Insomnia Negative emotion , thinking Lack of concentration!! Pranayams offer an effective and one of the most efficient  solutions to these  problems  provided one has the requisite knowledge and practises with innate awareness.  This is generally lacking in majority of the practitioners and so the results are not so p...

Niyamas in yoga

Niyamas !! The personal disciplining , without which yoga will have no base. One must have self-discipline and grounding first.  1) Sauch- cleanliness and purity of  he body mind and the environment in which one lives in. 2) Santosha- contentment which must be discovered within and not always pursued externally.  3) Tapas- removal of impurities to bring balance, energy and health  4) Swadhyaya- self-study , gaining self-experience and introspection.  5) Ishwara pranidhana- living according to ones “true nature “ or surrender completely to ones beloved deity. These are the essential foundation of the patanjali’s yoga sutras.  A seeker who has a goal of self- realization is bound to abide by these codes if he chooses Patanjali’s Astanga yoga. Also, each point requires deep and detailed understanding,  this article just touches the points for general awareness.  Nevertheless if each point is understood properly and ...

Yamas-The social Rules.

Yamas !!  The social Rules. Before entering into the yogic lifestyle, a seeker’s  general conduct must be managed well. And so, the five yamas or the social rules have been stipulated first. 1)    Ahimsa- ( Non- violence)- this includes , right thought, speech and action towards self and others.  As channelized anger and violence leads to tremendous loss of mental energy, this must be governed. 2)    Satya- (honesty) – Truthful intention in thought, speech and action. Yet again an honest person is free of mental blockages  and lives more freely. His mental energy doesn’t go waste in unnecessary manipulations. 3)    Asteya –( non – stealing) – of both goods and reputations. The moment one steals of even generate a thought of stealing , the value of what he possesses automatically reduces. 4)    Bhramacharya – natural living with regards to sexual energies. 5)    Aparigraha – ( self- suffic...