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Showing posts from November, 2020

Yoga is a friend to those who embrace it

 Yoga is a friend to those who embrace it. It compassionately uplifts the practitioners from the clutches of pain and sorrows and enables them to enjoy life with delight and joy .  It transforms one's lazy body to become active and vibrant like the mind and leads both, the body and mind, to be in harmony with the soul ! . . #yogalove #yogainspiration #yogapractice #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #yogachallenge #yogi #yogaessence #transformation #yogatoursindia

Plank pose- pose of the day

 ::Plank Pose:: Nurture your love-hate relationship with Plank Pose.  A beginner's best friend, it's the perfect precursor to more challenging arm balances.. The plank strengthens your spine, your rhomboids and trapezius, and your abdominal muscles, which naturally result in a strong posture as they grow in strength.  Developing your posture can improve on a number of ailments, and prevent the onset of other ones. Good posture means you're keeping your bones aligned. . . #plank #plank_pose #strength #spine #yogapose #posture #asana #yogadaily #yogaforeveryone #yogaflow #yogahabit #yogastrength #yogalove #yogatoursindia

Yoga is like music

 "Yoga is like music.  The rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind and the harmony of the soul, create the symphony of life.” . . #yoga #yogalife #yogalove #yogaflow #yogadaily #yogahabit #yogaguru #yogaeverywhere #yogatoursindia


 The third of the five yamas is asteya, or non-stealing. On a superficial level this means abstaining from taking things that are not yours. But asteya's deeper meaning goes far beyond this. the yamas, or universal ethical observances.The third of the five yamas is asteya, or non-stealing.  On a superficial level this means abstaining from taking things that are not yours. But asteya's deeper meaning goes far beyond this. . #asteya #non-stealing #yama #patanjali #limbsofyoga #yogaeducation #peace #love #yoga #yogatoursindia