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Showing posts from September, 2020

Lotus significance in yoga

 To a yogi, the Lotus flower symbolises the expansion of the soul and spiritual awakening.  The roots of a lotus are grounded in the mud (earth/materialism).  The stem grows up through the water (growth/life experience) and blooms above the water, in the sunlight (awakening/enlightenment). . . #lotus #significance #importance #value #flower #symbol #awakening #enlightenment #bloom #yogaeducation #yogastudy #yogatoursindia

Soorya namaskaar

 Surya Namaskar (सूर्यनमस्कार) Salute to the Sun or Sun Salutation, is a practice in yoga as exercise incorporating a sequence of some twelve gracefully linked asanas. The asana sequence originated in the Hatha Yoga tradition on 9th century in India.  The basic sequence involves moving from a standing position into Downward and Upward Dog poses and then back to the standing position, but many variations are possible. The founder of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, K. Pattabhi Jois, stated that "There is no Ashtanga yoga without Surya Namaskara, which is the ultimate salutation to the Sun god." . . #suryanamaskar #sun #sun_salutation #tradition #yoga #importance #yogapractice #yogalove #yogaguru #yogahabit

Yoga for everyone

 A phrase often used in yoga class:  “A calm sea does not make a skilled sailor.. . . #yoga_class #yogateacher #yogaguru #yogadaily #yogalove #yogaeverywhere #yogateacher #yogahabit #yogaeducation #yogatoursindia

Yoga fun

 When you haven't practiced yoga, since before the holiday...😃 . . #yoga #yogafun #yogahumor #yogadaily #yogapractice #yogahabit #yogalove #yogaeveryday #yogatoursindia

Adi yoga shivaya

 Lord Shiva is the original light of reality and the immortal life force. He is considered to be the supreme power in Hindu religion.  Lord Shiva, among the great deities of Hinduism, most personifies the practice of yoga. As Yogeshwar, the great lord of yoga, he rules over all aspects of yoga relative to body, mind and consciousness. Shiva is the lord of asana practice with 84 lakhs of asanas said to have derived from his movements. As Nataraj, the lord of the dance, his dance and gestures also reflect yoga postures. . . #aadiyogi #yogishiva #lordshiva #yogaudgam #yohaessence #yogalight #yogaeducation #yogaguru #yogamaster

Vivekananda quotes

 “You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual.  There is no other teacher but your own soul.” -Swami Vivekananda . . #teachings #vivekananda #swami #swamiji #teacher #enlightenment #soul #light #spirit #spiritual #masters

The whole world can easily be won by forgiveness..

 à¤•्षमया दयया प्रेम्णा सूनृतेनार्जवेन च। वशीकुर्याज्जगत्सर्वं विनयेन च सेवया॥  The whole world can easily be won by forgiveness, mercy, love, good words, honesty, modesty and service.  . . #honesty #modesty #love #mercy #forgiveness #peace #sholka #life #light #meaning #yog #yogatoursindia

Buddhist meditation

 Buddhist meditation is the practice of meditation in Buddhism. The closest words for meditation in the classical languages of Buddhism are bhavana (mental development) and jhana/dhyana (mental training resulting in a calm and luminous mind). In Buddhism the purpose of meditation is to stop the mind rushing about in an aimless (or even a purposeful) stream of thoughts. People often say that the aim of meditation is "to still the mind". . . #meditation #thoughts #mind #stillness #mindfulness #oneness #love #peace #life #light #yoga


 Trikonasana is one among the cardinal posture in yoga which has end number of benefits.  Your body has infinite energy deep inside. Evoke the flexibility buried deep, with this simple Triangle pose. In Trikonasana your body takes the shape of an extended triangle, giving an intense stretch to your trunks and legs.  This helps in stretching your muscles, limbs and arms. As the name suggests, TRI-three, KON-angle as the body is pointing towards three different directions. Thus suffices the authentic triangle pose.  This asana tones the ligaments and improves flexibility, helps in losing fat from side of the body. . . #asana #flexibility #ligaments #flexibility #body #yoga #towards #trilokasana #triangle #flexible #improvement #peace #love #pose #asana #yogatoursindia

Yoga allows you to rediscover

Yoga allows you to rediscover a sense of wholeness in your life, where you do not feel like you are constantly trying to fit broken pieces together.”  . . #yoga #yogalove #yogaflow #yogahabit #yogaguru #yoganature #yogaaddiction #yogasense #discover #wholeness

::Adi Mudra ::

 ::Adi Mudra :: In Adi Mudra, the thumb is placed at the base of the small finger, and the remaining fingers curl over the thumb, forming a light fist. The palms are again placed facing upwards on the thighs and the breathing repeated. Benefits of Adi Mudra: ~Relaxes the nervous system. ~Helps reduce snoring. ~Improves the flow of oxygen to the head. ~Increases capacity of the lungs. . . #mudras #adi_mudras #yoga #yogaguru #yogasutras #yogastudy

Happy teachers day

 Masters are the learned ones who have reached such a peak of transcendental consciousness that they feel one with the Supreme. Through their close connection with the Supreme, Masters can successfully expedite the progress of their disciples in attaining the Highest Truth.  The Masters' teachings may differ for their views reflect the environment that was prevalent during that period of time but what unites them is that all their teachings bear the same stamp of spiritual truths.  Each Master may have adopted a different route but in their unique way they have all shown how the Highest Truth can be realized. . . #masters #teacher #guru #education #study #teachings #gurus #power #blessings #truth #respect #love #wishes #happyteachersday

Yoga is not a religion

 “Yoga is not a religion, it is a science, science of well being, a science of youthfulness, a science of integrating body, mind, and soul.” . . #yoga #yogalife #yogaguru #yogalove #yogahabit #yogadaily #yogaflow #yogaeverywhere #yogaforeveryone #yogastudy #yogascience #yogatoursindia

Patanjali sutras

 " Yogena Chittasya Padena Vacha Malam Sharirasya Cha Vaidya Kena Yopakarotham Pravaram Muninam Patanjalim Pranjali Ranatosmi " . I bow with folded hands to the supreme sage Patanjali, who eradicated the impurity of mind with Yogashastra, impurity of speech with Vyakarana Mahabhashya, and impurity of body with Ayurveda literature. . . #yoga #yogalife #patanjali #sutras #shlokas #yogaeducation #yogalove #yogahabit #yogaguru #yogatoursindia

Quotes by jiddu krishnamurti

 The individual is the little conditioned, miserable, frustrated entity, satisfied with his little gods and his little traditions,  whereas a human being is concerned with the total welfare, the total misery and total confusion of the world. ~Jiddu Krishnamurti~ . . #life #study #peace #love #human #misery #satisfaction  #world # welfare